Crestron Components Lib - Showcase App

ch5-image: refreshRate

refreshRate attribute

Number of seconds between each refresh. If 0, no refreshes will be done.

If the show attribute is false then no refreshes/requests will be done until it changes to true

You can see in the browser console the requests being made. The debug attribute allows seeing additional info in the console

When the status of the show attribute changes from false to true the url is requested again, this ensures that the image is not stale

Clicking this button will change the show attribute

<p>Clicking this button will change the <b>show</b> attribute  <button class="button is-info" id="btn1">Change the show attribute</button></p>


refreshRate attribute

Number of seconds between each refresh. If 0, no refreshes will be done.

refresh calls will also stop if one of the ancestors of the ch5-image element is no longer being displayed by the browser. ( For an ancestor display:none or removal from DOM is considered as hidden, visibility:hidden is not )

The following buttons hide/show two of the ancestors of the ch5-image element by adding/removing a css class defining display:none

If the ancestor becomes visible again before the refresh interval has passed the ch5-image will display briefly the last image before refeshing a new one

If at least a refresh interval passed while the ancestor becomes is hidden the ch5-image will override its source with an empty value and display nothing until the next refresh

<p> The following buttons hide/show two of the ancestors of the ch5-image element by adding/removing a css class defining display:none</p>
<p>If the ancestor becomes visible again before the refresh interval has passed the ch5-image will display briefly the last image before refeshing a new one </p>
<p>If at least a refresh interval passed while the ancestor becomes is hidden the ch5-image will override its source with an empty value and display nothing
until the next refresh</p>
<ch5-button id="ex2-btn1" label="hide/show grandparent"></ch5-button>
<ch5-button id="ex2-btn2" label="hide/show parent"></ch5-button>

<div id="grand-parent">
    <div id="parent">