Crestron Components Lib - Showcase App

Click the menu links (on the left) to see examples.

Some example pages start with an emulator section. That section contains a JSON that defines the emulator scenario/logic.

The theme switcher currently affects ch5-buttons. It does not persist between page loads. It works by changing a class on the HTML <body> element, thus affecting all ch5 elements on the page.

You can add a debug attribute to a ch5-component in order to receive additional info in the browser console. (e.g. for a ch5 button <ch5-button type="default" label="oval" debug>).

List of all ch5 components that support the debug attribute.
  1. ch5-button
  2. ch5-list
  3. ch5-image
  4. ch5-select
  5. ch5-toggle
  6. ch5-overlay-panel
  7. ch5-modal-dialog
  8. ch5-slider
  9. ch5-triggerview
  10. ch5-triggerviewchild
  11. ch5-template
  12. ch5-form
  13. ch5-spinner

CH5 version is dated